Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
I just wanted to give a little update on what I've been working on and my priorities currently.
I've been trying to scrape as much juice and creativity my mind can hold into this album I'm working on, and although its been stressful and weirdly unmotivating at times, I'm having a lot of fun being able to experiment more and explore options. Although my Newgrounds audio uploads consist of Drum N Bass/Breakbeat/Electronic music, I want to explore more on other genres I do such as Chillwave or Dreampop. My next album I release will definitely suit these themes and I hope you guys will like it. If I have anything to share about the progress of this project, is only that I have about 3-4 songs finished, and my goal is about 8 or 9. Thanks for all the love over this past year, I'm glad to know that there's people who support me even though I'm new to this shit. I'll still be uploading little beats I make overtime but I just wanted to highlight what I'm prioritizing here so I may not be uploading audios as much.
Thank you-- no really, I mean it,
TL;DR: Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I'm working on an album. I'll still be uploading here and there, but not as much.
Please enjoy this photo i took for no reason :)